Students requesting to go home for medical issues need to call from the clinic only. Students must be picked up from the clinic if going home for medical issues. Parent/Guardian contact and clinic approval has to be made for a student to drive home from the clinic.
District Policy states that students are not allowed to carry or bring medication to school. All medication must be brought in the original container to the clinic by a parent or adult. Parents must fill out a permission form to administer medication in the clinic.
Parents and guardians may bring medication and complete the necessary paperwork at the clinic Monday through Friday between 7:15 AM and 10:00 AM.
Medications ordered 1-2 times daily can usually be given at home. Medications given 3-4 times a day can be given at lunch or at a specified time, if the original container is received in the clinic and a physician order form is filled out and signed by the physician. .
Inhalers and EpiPens are allowed to be carried by students only after the Physician self-administration medication form has been turned in to the nurse. A new Physician form must be turned in to the clinic at the beginning of each school year.
Due to important changes in the Texas Administrative Code Chapter 97 rule 97.7 regarding control of communicable diseases, Cypress Fairbanks ISD will immediately implement the following changes in our exclusion policy in our efforts to preserve student health.
- Students who have a temperature at or above 100.0°F must be excluded from school until fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever-suppressing medication.
- Students with diarrhea must be excluded from school until diarrhea free for 24 hours without the use of diarrhea-suppressing medication.